De-addiction Therapy

De-addiction Therapy

De addiction Therapy

Addiction is an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior even though it is causing psychological and physical harm. Addiction treatment is highly personalized and often requires the support of the individual’s community or family. De addiction therapy includes various methods such as Detox, medication, and counseling.

The first step is to cleanse your body of drugs and manage withdrawal symptoms. Detoxification is a process by which you are helped to slowly wean off the substance.


Therapists helps people who are addicted set attainable short-term goals as they work to overcome their addiction. Once the person attains sobriety, adaptive skills are developed to regain their physical and emotional health. With the therapist's help, one can set long-term goals that may include repairing broken relationships, admitting responsibility for actions, and clearing guilt due to addiction.


Rehabilitation Centres, or inpatient treatment at hospitals, are recommended to those who may experience difficulty achieving sobriety as an outpatient. Substance abuse and addiction take a toll on both the body and the mind.

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